Lets Do This Regularly


Incorporate a regular stage combat workshop into each term as enrichment and support for the performing arts faculty.

We here at Squire loving working with new students but it does mean that we don’t often get to progress past a taster session or single day’s masterclass. Every teacher can agree that the most rewarding part of the job is seeing their students flourish, gain confidence and master a skill. To that end we here at Squire would love to build stronger connections with the schools we work with and develop schemes of work that allow students to continue exploring stage combat and having it become a part of their work in drama.

With this is mind we have put together a few packages that offer multiple workshops throughout the three term school year. Multiple bookings means we can offer larger discounts and also tailor our work to suit your school’s needs.


3 Term Plan of Repeating Taster Workshops

3 for the price of 2

If you enjoyed our taster workshops then why not offer it out to the rest of the school? We can take 30 students at a time so by repeating our taster workshops, which range from 1 hour to a full day we can cater for every student in the school. No one is left out and everyone can have a lot of fun.

We will run a taster workshop of your choice “They Fight” or “Fight Club” and repeat the sessions 3 times across the school year.

Normal 3X Half Day Workshop £840 plus travel Discount Price £560 plus travel

Normal 3X Full Day Workshop £1140 plus travel Discount Price £760 plus travel

6 Half Term Enrichment

6 Term Plan Of Repeating Workshops

1 Workshop Each Half Term

A great option to support enrichment within the performing arts. The 6 sessions can be used as tasters should the school wish. However the intention behind running a workshop each half term would be to build on the skills of a repeat group of students or provide rolling weekend activity for boarders. The sessions can explore more complex stage combat techniques as well as different martial styles and weapons. We can create a a bespoke program for you or follow a structure like the example below.

Session 1 Unarmed Combat:

The basics of stage combat and how to create a fight scene.

Session 2 Sword Play:

The basics of sword work and the creation of choreography

Session 3 Character and Story with a focus on Wrestling:

How do we tell a story with a fight. Advanced unarmed stage combat including throws, falls and slams

Session 4 Film vs Stage:

How to fight for camera and how to film a fight

Session 5 Working with a script Staging Shakespeare:

How do we approach violence in a script and how do we use practical solutions to creative problems?

Session 6 Toy Box:

One classroom, one class, a box of weapons, pads, mats and cameras. Lets kick some ass! A free form session lead by students to create their own work using the skills they have gained over the year.

Each class can take a maximum of 30 a we recommend a maximum of 3 hours per session per group.

Normal 6X Half Day Workshop £1680 plus travel Discount Price £1150 plus travel

Normal 6X Full Day Workshop £2280 plus travel Discount Price £1600 plus travel

If you would like to discuss a program of workshops then please contact us

Email info@squirestagecombat.com Phone 07853343547